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  • 来源:互联网
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  • 2022-03-07
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今日推出海内外高校博士招聘,分别来自中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院多媒体中心吕子钰(Ziyu Lyu)副研究员课题组招聘客座实习学生,以及新加坡国立大学信息系统分析系的两项招聘计划。

1 吕子钰副研究员课题组


1. 可解释性算法研究:知识增强的可解释性算法、金融风控领域的可解释性决策算法

2. 时空数据挖掘:交通数据分析及预测、位置感知的社交网络分析、实时精准推送算法

3. 多模态表示学习:多模态信息抽取(视觉-语言)、跨媒体描述及生成


1. 勤奋认真,具有较强的编程能力,优先考虑具有科研成果与经历的同学或者具有竞赛、项目经历的同学。

2. 实习期至少9个月(12个月优先),并获得所在学校和指导老师的同意,实习期间服从先进院的规章制度。

3. 我们会有个统一的实习测试。


1. 提供专业的一对一指导,提供必要的学习和科研条件

2. 提供学生住宿,根据先进院标准提供实习工资+餐补

3. 根据先进院标准,报销来先进院入职的交通费用

4. 如果未来有保研/考研意向,考虑优先确定导师意向

有兴趣的同学请发送简历到邮箱zy.lv@siat.ac.cn , 多媒体中心和吕子钰副研究员信息请访问中心主页:http://mmlab.siat.ac.cn/及谷歌学术搜索。

2 新加坡国立大学信息系统分析系

  • 新加坡国立大学信息系统分析系博士后(信息系统IS方向)
  • 新加坡国立大学信息系统分析系奖学金博士生和研究助理(信息系统IS方向)



The Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore is seeking to fill at least one post-doctoral research associate in Information Systems (IS,管理信息系统) starting in Fall 2022. The student will participate in research projects, which combine rigor and relevance in formulating and solving problems, generate papers to top academic (UTD24) journals, and engage with policy and managerial practice. Competitive stipend and strong support for professional development will be provided.


1. Earned or expected to earn a Ph.D. degree in Information Systems, Economics, Computer Science and other related areas

2. Motivated to develop as a scholar to generate innovative insights through entrepreneurial research activities and engagement with both academics and practitioners. Interested in and familiar with news/knowledge in technology, economics, and/or business strategy

3. Strong foundations in mathematics, computer science, and econometrics Experience in data collection, data cleaning, exploratory analysis, and causal analysis Proficient in programming languages such as Python and Stata

4. Comfortable with English working environment with strong verbal and written skills


  • 1. Cover letter
  • 2. 简历;
  • 3. 英语成绩(托福、GRE/GMAT,如果有);
  • 4. Publications或working papers;
  • 5. 三封推荐信;

有意向的申请人请email联系递送简历: isrec@comp.nus.edu.sg, 请在邮件主题处写:“IS_postdoc_2022”。6月15日截止,名额有限,择优考虑。如希望与教授提前开展课题研究(RA方向),也可在邮件中特别注明。



The Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore is seeking to fill at least one Ph.D. students and research assistants (RA) in Information Systems (IS,管理信息系统) starting in January 2023 (博士生申请) and in April 2022 (研究助理申请). The student will participate in research projects, which combine rigor and relevance in formulating and solving problems, generate papers to top academic (UTD 24) journals, and engage with policy and managerial practice. Competitive stipend and strong support for professional development will be provided.


1. Motivated to develop as a scholar to generate innovative insights through entrepreneurial research activities and engagement with both academics and practitioners. Interested in and familiar with news/knowledge in technology, economics, and/or business strategy

2. Strong foundations in mathematics, computer science, and econometrics Experience in data collection, data cleaning, exploratory analysis, and causal analysis Proficient in programming languages such as Python and Stata

3. Comfortable with English working environment with strong verbal and written skills

4. Bachelor or Master’s degree in Economics, Information Systems, Business Analytics, Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Math, and other related areas


  • 1. 简历;
  • 2. 英语完整成绩(托福、GRE/GMAT);
  • 3. 感兴趣的方向(3页以内)或writing sample(10页以内);
  • 4. Personal Statement;
  • 5. 两封推荐信;

有意向的申请人请email联系递送简历: isrec@comp.nus.edu.sg, 请在邮件主题处写:“IS_Scholar_2022”。博士生申请6月15日截止,研究助理申请on a rolling basis,名额有限,择优考虑。如希望与教授提前开展课题研究(RA方向),请在邮件中特别注明。

依然美网 http://www.cityruyi.com/lm-4/lm-1/13331.html